Gis & Cartography

Regional GIS spatial analysis informative tool that allows an integrated territorial indicator reading (and trend) within the framework of the studies of the Cognitive Framework of the new Regional territorial plan (PTR).


Ervet - Valorizzazione Economia Territorio Spa
Cliente Finale: 
Regione Emilia Romagna
June 2006
  • GIS and Spatial Analysis
  • Multimedia, 3d Animation and Renderings

A Territorial Marketing project developed for the Sipro of Ferrara for the Urban Implementation for the Comparto Ferrara Nord

Sipro Ferrara
June 2006
  • GIS and Web Gis 2.0
  • Multimedia, 3d Animation and Renderings

A project developed for the Sipro of Ferrara for the promotion and redevelopment of the former sugar factory of Comacchio.

Sipro Ferrara