October, 2011
- GIS and Spatial Analysis
- GIS and Web Gis 2.0
Observatory for the Partecipation of Emilia Romagna Region (Italy)
Cliente Finale:
made by Italo Mairo, on behalf ERVET Spa (Agenzia di Sviluppo della Regione Emilia Romagna) - www.ervet.it
A web 2.0 tool by which the regional government can know and make known the participatory processes active in its administrative boundaries. An advanced Web GIS with web 2.0 features, aimed at knowledge sharing and dissemination of best practices of eDemocracy processes in the Emilia Romagna Region.
@ 2025 - Italo Mairo - All contents of these web pages (text, images, etc.) are copyrighted and self-produced. They aren't reusable without mention and specific consent of the author