October 2014
  • Drupal

Drupal Con Amsterdam 2014

sept 29 - oct 03

DrupalCons are the major Drupal community events held two to three times a year. These are the gathering places for the community of thousands of Drupal users, developers, designers, evaluators, and business people to participate in sessions, talks, code sprints, and social events.

More than 2,300 developers, designers, IT professionals and business executives from all over the world (64 countries) attended the last Drupal Con Amsterdam, Drupal’s largest-ever event in Europe.

Among other high class events and technical talks, business and social events, it has been mainly the occasion to celebrate the progress made toward a Drupal 8 release. All critical “beta blocker” issues have been fixed and a beta version of Drupal 8 has been announced and released. Drupal 8 is bringing a new and higher OOP level in it, matching with the modern PHP framework Symphony and bringing in it a lot more of promising improvements for developers, site builders, themers, IT professionals and marketers.


  • Drupal
  • Drupal Con
  • Drupal Con Amsterdam 2014
  • Amsterdam
  • Drupal 8
  • Symphony