Multimedia, 3d Animation and Renderings

November 2013
The Smithsonian Institution, Institute of education and research with a major Museum, launching the free Smithsonian X 3D to display antiquities from web and print them in 3D
The Smithsonian Institution is an educational and research institution with an important Museum, headquartered in Washington, DC. Now, you don't have to go to various museums operated by the Institute for review of exhibits, thanks to an interesting project titled the Smithsonian Collection 3D, X provides access to historical models via web browser, and can even save on Mac and PC files to print at home, using a 3D printer.
November 2013
Now that the design of the new Campus Apple "shaped spaceship" received the formal blessing of the municipality of Cupertino, the beautiful renderings of the Interiors appear on the Web.
A month ago, the municipality of Cupertino has given final approval to the construction of the new  "spaceship like" Apple Campus; this is the final phase of approvals, which establishes the formal beginning of the fieldwork that once housed the HP Campus. In addition to the plan of the giant plastic operae guarded in Cupertino, the agreements also provided for a series of shots that show new rendering of the project, with an emphasis towards the interiors and common areas.
June 2006
  • GIS and Spatial Analysis
  • Multimedia, 3d Animation and Renderings

Urban Intervention Project for the implementation for the Comparto Ferrara Nord

Sipro Ferrara

A Territorial Marketing project developed for the Sipro of Ferrara for the Urban Implementation for the Comparto Ferrara Nord

June 2006
  • GIS and Web Gis 2.0
  • Multimedia, 3d Animation and Renderings

The Redevelopment of the former Sugar Factory of Comacchio (Ferrara)

Sipro Ferrara

A project developed for the Sipro of Ferrara for the promotion and redevelopment of the former sugar factory of Comacchio.

December 2005
  • Multimedia, 3d Animation and Renderings

Ideas competition "Requalification Project of central area of Monteveglio (Italy)"

An urban regeneration project developed in occasion of ideas competition issued by the City of Monteveglio in October 2005.

July 2010
  • Multimedia, 3d Animation and Renderings
  • Web 2.0 Opensource

The enhancement of the archeological site of the Roman city of Claterna (Ozzano Emilia - Bologna)

Tasca Studio - Architetti Associati
Cliente Finale: 
Civitas Claterna - Associazione Culturale

A study for the implementation of local marketing activities, conducted on behalf of the Studio Tasca di Bologna, within the Ideas Competition Tender finalized to the design for the construction and development of the site of the Roman city of Claterna (Ozzano Emilia - BO ), sponsored by the Associazione Culturale di Promozione Sociale Civitas Claterna

March 2009
  • Multimedia, 3d Animation and Renderings

Project: Five Eco Schools in class "A", in the Province of Bari (Italy)

Ing. Simone Mairo

on behalf of DEC S.p.A. (BA), according to advanced techniques of eco-friendly and energy saving planning concepts, and using advanced design tools and graphics drawback.

Overall coordination, Architectural and structural Design, 3d Modeling: Ing. Simone MAIRO


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