Editoria Digitale

Product made in Drupal 7, as Institutional website of RE Real Estate (Fiera Milano Media, a subsidiary of Fiera Milano) information and communication for companies in the real estate sector, end users, private and institutional investors, banks, insurance companies, employers.


Crisma Italia Srl
Final Clients: 
Fiera Milano
Fiera Milano Media

The digital Catalog of INU Editions-National Institute of Urbanism (www.inuedizioni.com) is a Cms 2.0 capable of catalog/store any product of INU editions (existing in print and digital version) and activate an environment of sharing and eCommerce thereof via the web.

The dual function of editorial and eCommerce store, and the complex articulation and informative hierarchy (books, magazines, articles, authors, subjects, locations, etc.) have requested an advanced web 2.0 solution based on Drupal 7 able to respond brilliantly to the functional needs.

INU Edizioni