Ottobre 2024
  • Drupal

Entity PDF Drupal module general enhancements in its 2.1.x version

A further Drupal module that I have become maintainer of, and where I can enjoy Drupal open contribution model

Hi Drupal folks! the Entity PDF module has been upgraded to the 2.1.x release, marking significant enhancements in code quality, documentation, and functionalities. 

Special thanks to Wesley Sandra for the original creation and contribution. This module simplifies the creation of PDFs from any Entity based on any View mode, making the process hassle-free.

This latest upgrade, made possible by the Drupal open contribution model (where I have been part of), elevates the module with key enhancements:

- Adoption of file, hook_help, and updated module documentation

- Extended compatibility with Drupal 11

- Implementation of an "Entity Pdf Download" action plugin for generating collated pdf entities as bulk operations

- Full compliance with Drupal and PHP coding standards, including phpstan and phpcs quality checks

- Proper code refactoring with correct use of dependency injection

- Implementation of GitLab CI


Drupal users and dev community is welcome to explore and test this upgraded module. Join the Drupal contribution in its issues queue and leverage this tool for generating PDFs from Drupal Entities views. 

  • Drupal
  • pdf generation